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Staff Directory

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School staff is listed below. 

1 2 3 > showing 1 - 16 of 41 constituents

Melissa Anzaldua

Teacher K-6

Brittany Crusto

Principal Secretary I

Christopher Daley

Teacher Special Education

Heather Davalle

Teacher K-6

Cameron Davis

Independent Contractor-Clsrm

Michael Delgado

Cafeteria Manager I

Amanda Diaz

Resource Specialist Sp Ed Tch

Simone Dodson

Sch Playground & Cafe Monitor

Chris Dyer

Teacher K-6

Natali Franco


Sandra Gomez

Cafeteria Assistant I

Rachel Griffin

Teacher Special Education

Sabrina Hammer

Teacher K-6

Sommer Haury

Independent Contractor-Clsrm

Sommer Haury

Paraed-Special Education

Rosalia Hernandez

Sch Playground & Cafe Monitor
1 2 3 > showing 1 - 16 of 41 constituents