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Needham Elementary School believes in helping all students become successful by teaching them to be courageous problem solvers who are ready to learn. 

The mission of Needham School is to promote high standards for all students in a safe and nurturing environment while holding students accountable for their behavior and academic success.

At Needham School, we believe:
  • All students will learn and achieve with the best possible education.
  • All students, teachers, and staff are entitled to a safe, friendly, open, caring, and trusting environment.
  • Curriculum is broad-based, data-driven, and consistent with the goals of the District and the State.

We encourage positive behavior and provide interventions and support as needed to help each student be successful in school. We are committed to guiding our students to make positive choices for behavior that demonstrate that they are Courageous, Problem Solvers, and Ready to Learn every day.

Needham Elementary School is a school that believes in helping all students become successful by teaching them the basic principles of being courageous problem solvers who are ready to learn. We believe in teaching our students specific behavioral expectations that will help them succeed in all areas of life. Our students know that by being respectful, responsible, and safe they can stay focused on learning and create opportunities for themselves and others.

The current school enrollment is 332 students. The ethnic makeup of the school is 72.9% Hispanic, 13.9% Asian, 6% White, 7% other/not reported. Over 95% of students are socioeconomically disadvantaged, approximately 60.5% are English Learners and about 21.7% are identified as Special Education students. Of the school’s 17 teachers, 15 are “fully qualified”, one is currently working on clearing his credentials via Lodi USD's Teacher Induction Program, and one is enrolled in a teacher intern program with the San Joaquin County Office of Education. The school has one part-time psychologist, one part-time counselor, one full-time speech therapist, one part-time speech therapist, one part-time P.E. teacher, and one part-time music teacher.

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